Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Career Test

Your Type is ESTP
Strength of the preferences %

Computer Programmer
List a minimum of 10 things that interest you about the career you are researching?
Programming games, Using java scripts and others, Working in a clean environment, Testing Beta versions of games, Repairing or updating scripts, Learning more about computers, Making programs for computers, Having one of the fastest computers at my job, Its involves thinking more than physical labor, Its one of the things i've always wanted to do.
Which ESTP did you score the highest? Thinking.
Of the careers listed for you, which one are you planning to research?
None of them, I'm interested in different things.
Now that you have determined a career to research, begin looking for companies/organizations within Garvin County that would provide you employment in this career.
At the moment I see no jobs in Garvin county that are computer programmer related.
For me to become A computer programmer im going to go to Vo-tech and attend some computer related classes then continue on to OU or some other college. It would take me 4 years to get my degree. The cost will vary due to me gettin a scholarship or not.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Career Blog

I'm currently interested in becoming A Computer Programmer or A Computer Engineer.